April 13, 2011

bored with life part 2 ~ unbored

Posted in General Tso, i have too many kids, nice tah meetcha tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 12:17 am by reverend mrs

I’m happy to report that I took some of my own advice and tweaked my life a little.

1. Vacate. Well, I couldn’t hop on a plane, but the kids and I decided to test drive the new Crayola colored bubbles and had a gloriously messy afternoon in the sun. In the end it looked like we had been in a paintball fight so I grabbed the hose and went after the kids and then sunbathed for a few minutes like I was a silly teenager again. My skincare line is working overtime now, but hey, it was worth it!





2. I carded my own fiber and even though i had no idea what I was doing or whether it will come out looking right, I really enjoyed just going at something and having fun mixing things up. I’m looking forward to spinning the fiber soon and may post some pics of the finished product.

3. I remembered. I took a good long look at what I do and why I do it. And I remembered that I chose my line of work because I was grateful. Grateful for mercy and grateful for a second chance at life, to do things right, to make the right choices, to help others along the way. When faced with why I started down this road of being Reverend Mrs., I came full circle to the beginning..to the person I once was. I remembered how indebted I felt to God for being so kind and gracious towards me. I had to give something back, even if it was only my life.

I’m glad to say that my perspective has shifted once again. Away from myself and all the things cluttering my creativity and happiness. And it’s now on making things new again. Starting out fresh and enjoying the restful afternoons and the busy mornings spent planning and talking with friends.

It’s all very unboring.


April 5, 2011

bored with life

Posted in General Tso, i have too many kids, nice tah meetcha tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 1:19 am by reverend mrs


ever feel so bored with life? like everything has lost it’s challenge or has become old and moldy and really annoying? hobbies are just blah, work has lost its challenge, the things you used to enjoy in your daily routine are just….lackluster and redundant.

now what to do? where to make the appropriate changes so that you don’t screw up other people’s lives or your own but still find a way to make things new and exciting (or at least interesting) again?

here are some things I’m considering doing and maybe you’d like to consider them too:

1. Vacate. get away from all the normal stuff and take a real and serious break from everything. go away! for an afternoon, day, weekend, week, month….DO IT and when you come back…the absence will have helped your heart grow fonder.

2. unplug. don’t open the computer several (thousand) times a day. let the phone notify you all it wants as it sits under the couch just out of reach. leave the ipad/touch/phone/pod alone. do a puzzle instead. go to the park with the kids. READ A STINKIN’ BOOK! better yet, read a favorite childrens book that you loved when you were little and the world was whatever you wanted it to be.

3. try something new. pick up a new hobby. something that you never thought you’d be good at. you probably won’t be good at it but it will be fun.

4. find the reason. take some time to get alone and pray. ask God to remind why you are doing all the things that you are doing in the first place. ask Him to sincerely renew your passion for the things you should keep doing and give you new creativity for them. and then ask Him to give you peace about letting go of the things you just need to give up.

Sometimes life can be just so draining. Raising kids, helping people, doing something you love, keeping food on the table, having friends & family and answering every text that comes your way can really suck the life out of you. don’t do it anymore. it’s not worth it. we have one life and why waste it being tired and drained and stressed out? your life is worth loving.

and so is mine. I think I will take my own advice and do something out of the ordinary for me ………like go to bed.

Good night, darlings. See you in the morning when the world will be fresh once again!